mosaic school



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At Mosaic Church, we believe in the value of education. This is why the Mosaic School of Ministry consists of both academic as well as practical training.

While Mosaic is a non-denominational church, our academic program is an official "Study Group" of the Berean School of the Bible with Global University. This was done to keep costs as low as possible while providing a solid foundation of Biblical literacy and ministry education.

After completing this program, students will receive a certificate of ministry from Mosaic Church.

Course Descriptions

*Cost is $200 per course*

Year One

BIB 114

Christ in the Synoptic Gospels

An introductory study of our Lord's life and times according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It examines the historical setting, His life between the Annunciation and the Ascension, and His message and method, including His parables and miracles. Organized around three themes—(1) the world, (2) the Man, and (3) the message—this introduction helps to fuse our understanding of His life and work with our commitment to live by the values He taught and demonstrated.

BIB 121

Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible

An introductory course on the principles for interpreting Scripture. It summarizes the need for hermeneutical principles and explores the qualifications, tools, and goals of a biblical interpreter. This is followed by a historical survey of hermeneutics from early Jewish interpreters to the present. The course includes a unit on the general and specific principles for interpreting the Bible, a unit on genres, and a unit on applying the principles. Students develop skills by practicing the principles in the provided exercises.

BIB 212

New Testament Survey

A survey course giving the student background for understanding, teaching, and applying the principles of the New Testament. Key facts from each book of the New Testament are highlighted in a manner that can be used in preaching and teaching.

BIB 214

Old Testament Survey*

A practical approach to the Old Testament that gives students material they can use in teaching and preaching. It covers significant details from every book in the Old Testament in an inspirational yet informative manner.

* Beginning class for year one

THE 211

Introduction to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective

A study of historic Christian doctrines as expressed through Protestant and evangelical traditions. The course provides a complete study of the "Statement of Fundamental Truths" of Mosaic Church.

Year Two

BIB 115

Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers

A thorough study of the content, purposes, principles, and applications of Acts. The course emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in the early church and today. Attention is given to the geographical, numerical, cultural, and theological growth of the church from Jerusalem to Rome. The journeys of Paul are examined as the background for his epistles.

BIB 117

Prison Epistles: Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, and Philippians

A practical study of the principles Paul wrote to the churches during his imprisonment. The concepts are presented in language that is easy to understand with explanations, illustrations, and applications that make the concepts helpful to students in both their personal lives and ministries.

MIN 223

Introduction to Homiletics

A basic study of the principles of Christian preaching. The course emphasizes biblical exposition and covers practical matters such as the preparation of sermons, sources of materials, construction of sermon components, variety of sermon types, and delivery of sermons.

MIN 251

Effective Leadership

A biblical approach to the principles of leadership. This course applies those principles in the church setting, giving the student the practical skills needed to serve in a leadership role in the local church.

THE 245

Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come

A biblical study of end-time events written from a Pentecostal perspective. The course studies the Rapture plus various views of the Tribulation and the Millennium. It provides excellent material for teaching and preaching on the second coming of Christ.

3451 23rd Avenue

Evans, CO 80620

United States



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