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Your giving is changing the world.

You can support the work Mosaic Church is doing in our community and around the world.

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The easiest and best way to give.

With the Church Center App, giving is easier than ever. Make your gift recurring, view your giving history, and more—all right in the app!

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*Make sure to link your account to Mosaic Church*

Giving FAQs

  • Why should I tithe?


    In Malachi 3:10, God tells us to bring the tithe, which is 10% of our income, to Him. Later, Jesus affirms this in the New Testament.

  • Why should I give to Mosaic Church?


    When you give to Mosaic Church, God does something amazing. He multiplies your gifts and does more with it than any of us could ask or imagine. Your tithe becomes part of God’s plan to resource the local church to do His work here on earth. And He also allows you to be a part of all He is doing in your community and around the world through local and global missions partners. Know that we honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Mosaic Church remains beyond reproach.

  • What happens to my money when I give to Mosaic Church?


    Your giving has an enormous impact. Mosaic Church is non-denominational; therefore, all ministry activity is funded by our generous members. However, it doesn't stop within our four walls. We also support organizations who align with our values and beliefs on local, national, and global levels. In addition, Mosaic Church adheres to high standards of Biblical accountability and financial integrity. Our finances are overseen by our board of trustees, and our books are audited yearly by an outside, 3rd party, accounting firm.If you would like to learn more about what happens with the money, we would encourage you to attend our Discover Mosaic class where it is discussed in greater depth.

  • What ways can I give to Mosaic?


    The easiest and best way to give is through the Church Center App. However, you can also give using our text-to-give platform, or with Venmo. Of course, you can also give in-person on Sunday mornings via check or cash.

  • How do I set up text-to-give?


    Our text-to-give platform is a simple way to give that is setup through Church Center. You can start by texting any amount to 84321. Then follow the steps below:

    • Find Mosaic Church

    • Log in to, or sign up for, your profile

    • Add or select a payment method

    • Submit your donation

    After your initial setup, texting any amount to 84321 will initiate a donation.

  • How can I get a giving statement for tax purposes?


    You can download your giving history anytime through the Church Center App or at and clicking "My Giving." We will also email you a giving statement by January 31 of the following calendar year. If you need help getting a copy of your giving statement or have questions about your giving history, just let us know at and we’d be happy to help!

  • What's the most cost-effective method of giving?


    The most cost-effective method of giving is the “bank account” option. This method has the lowest processing costs which allows us to put more of your gift to work in ministry.

  • Who can I contact if I need help with giving?


    We would love to help or answer any questions you have! Just contact us at or give us a call at (970) 339-0089.