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Why should I get baptized?

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Is Baptism Your Next Step?

Life is full of next steps, each one bringing us closer to the God who created us and loves us. If you’ve made the decision to follow Christ, one of the most valuable next steps you can take is baptism.

Keep reading to find out more about baptism, what baptism looks like at Mosaic, and how you can get baptized.

What Does Baptism Look Like at Mosaic Church?

Mosaic Church baptism services happen every 6-8 weeks. Each service lasts one hour, and baptisms happen at the end of each.

If you sign up to be baptized, someone from our Baptism Team will reach out and tell you when to arrive at church and any other details you need to know. During service, the pastor will dismiss you to go to the changing area to get ready.

Once in the changing area, you'll change into your baptism t-shirt and extra clothes. While there, a team member will be there to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Before you enter the tank, you will be asked to share your name, confirm that you are a follower of Christ, and you will be given a brief opportunity to share why you are being baptized.

Collage of baptism pictures taken at Mosaic Church

What is Baptism All About?

People often have questions regarding baptism. Take a few minutes to read the answers to the 5 common questions about baptism.

  • Why Should I Be Baptized?


    Baptism is about following Jesus' example.

    In Matthew 3, Jesus chose to get baptized before starting His ministry here on Earth. When we make that same choice, we’re living how Jesus lived. Later, in Matthew 28, Jesus told His followers to go and baptize others. As we get baptized and baptize others, Jesus’ message of love spreads around the world.

  • What Is The Significance of Baptism?


    Two descriptive word pictures are given in the Bible to explain what happens at baptism.

    "Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." Romans 6:3-4 (see also Colossians 2:12).

    We are identifying with Jesus' experience and demonstrating outwardly in our baptism that:

    • We are dying to our old life
    • We are burying that old life
    • We rise to live the new life
  • How Do We Baptize at Mosaic?


    The word "baptism" as it appears in the Bible means complete immersion in water (the process of submersion in water followed by emergence from the water). Scholars agree that the baptism of the Bible is immersion.

    The following examples from the Bible substantiate that conclusion:

    • "As soon as Jesus was baptized, He came up out of the water..." Matthew 3:16.
    • "Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water..." Acts 8:37, 38.

    Note the descriptions of the baptisms - "down into the water," "came up out of the water.”

  • When Should I Be Baptized? And Should I Be Baptized Again?


    When you make a life-changing decision, you want to tell everyone about it! Baptism is an opportunity for you to celebrate with your friends and family and tell others about the hope you’ve found in Jesus. So as soon as you've made that decision, you are ready!

    If you haven’t been baptized since you decided to follow Jesus, we would encourage you to take that step of publicly declaring your faith in Christ. Once you’ve taken that step, there’s no need to be baptized again.

  • Do You Baptize Children?


    As parents, we can help point our children to Jesus, but they are the ones to decide if they will commit their lives to Him (Romans 10:9).

    In the Bible, any instance of baptism follows a person’s decision to trust Jesus for his or her salvation and commitment to follow Him (Acts 10:47-48).

    Therefore at Mosaic, we wait until children are old enough to express their own decision to follow Jesus and understand the meaning of baptism.

    For babies, we encourage you to visit our Child Dedication page.

How Can You Get Baptized?

The first step to getting baptized is letting us know you’re interested! Fill out the form below, and a pastor will reach out to you to connect and help you take the next step.