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Our Leadership

1. We are guided by pastors.

Our Pastoral Staff oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. The staff serves the congregation and is responsible for developing the church's spiritual life.

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Angel Flores

Angel Flores

lead/founding pastor

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Diane Flores

Diane Flores

co-pastor/business admin

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Ben Larsen

Ben Larsen

associate pastor

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Angie Larsen

Angie Larsen

dream team coordinator

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Lisa Shelley

Lisa Shelley

family pastor

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Sylvia Romo

Sylvia Romo

kids pastor

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Benjy DeJesus

Benjy DeJesus

worship pastor

Picture, and link to bio, of Mosaic Church staff, Monica DeJesus

Monica DeJesus

first impressions & facilities

Picture of Mosaic Church staff, Marrisa Sanchez

Marrisa Sanchez

communications director

Picture of Mosaic Church staff, D'Angelo Duran

D'Angelo Duran

youth pastor

2. We are protected by trustees

The Trustees are members of the congregation who oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide counsel to the Pastoral Team regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Trustees serve as Non-staff Elders.

Picture of Mosaic Church trustee, Bryan Guest

Bryan Guest

Picture of Mosaic Church trustee, Chuck Shelley

Chuck Shelley

Picture of Mosaic Church trustee, Stella Bernal

Stella Bernal

Picture of Mosaic Church trustee, Juana Martinez

Juana Martinez

Picture of Mosaic Church trustee, Jon Cooney

Jon Cooney

Picture of Mosaic Church trustee, Vanessa Lira

Vanessa Lira

3. We are strengthened by overseers

The Overseers are three pastors of respected congregations who love Mosaic Church, and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability matters relating to the Senior Pastor if requested by the Pastors or Trustees.

The Overseers for Mosaic Church are:

Paul Espinoza

Junction Community Church – Grand Junctions, CO

Benito Fresquez

Freedom Church – Round Rock, TX

Arron Chambers

Journey Christian Church – Greeley, CO